Note: I didn’t put TV or technology on the list, but I’m not above using it. I just wanted to share some more original thoughts.
1. Show them pictures:
For whatever reason, my kids love to look at old pictures of themselves. They like to see themselves in baby clothes, and playing with baby toys. It also serves as a reminder to Sweet Boy that Girlie is two years younger than him. You just can’t expect her to talk like a four-year-old.
It also gives them a distraction from whatever they were arguing about and a chance to snuggle up with Mommy or Daddy. And let’s face it- the arguments happen more when the kids are tired so a little snuggle time can be some great argument medicine.
2. Play-doh
A change of activity is a great way to distract the kids from a sharing type argument. I like to go to a Play-doh activity. The kneading and shaping of the dough is a very calming activity. It lets some of the tension go from their hands so they can refocus.
3. Laurie Berkner
I picked up a lot of CDs from an old daycare teacher. I actually had my eye on a few of the other CDs in the lot to use in my music classroom. Well, one day the kids were fighting in the car and I had the Laurie Berkner CD leftover on the front seat of my car. I popped it in and the kids were instantly enthralled. The songs are super catchy and kid-friendly. Even two-year-old Girlie can sing along with most of the songs on the CD. I use this CD anytime the kids start arguing in the car. Five months later, they still ask for it every day.
4. Make a calm down bottle
There are hundreds of pins on Pinterest for how to make a calm down bottle. Girlie made one with rice and lots of different craft supply leftovers for her to find. Sweet Boy made a glittery shake-up bottle. Much like the Play-doh, the shaking of the bottles helps release some of the tension the kids are feeling. You can find a few calm down bottle ideas on my Old Mom Craft Pinterest Board.
5. Food
We have a lot of arguments happen at 11:30 and at 4:30. Right before meal time. The kids are hungry and they get cranky. For these times, I try to give them a drink while I’m prepping their lunch or dinner. I really hate to spoil their supper with a snack right before their healthy meal, but sometimes I cave. Sometimes I give them fruit. Sometimes it’s a freeze pop. And sometimes its a handful of marshmallow or chocolate chips. But the reality is they are too hungry to get along and I can’t cook while they are screaming at each other.
I hope some of these ideas help you when your kids argue. It’s going to happen. As parents, we just have to be prepared for when it does happen.
Photo by meghan_siegers