What not to get
Okay so here are a few things to skip:
The Bath Salts: Let’s be honest. As an Old Mom, you are not getting any reasonable amount of time to yourself in the tub. And nothing is more annoying than listening to the kids ask you for a drink of water or what happened to their other sock while you are supposed to be relaxing.
The latest iPad: The kids are just going to use it anyway and they are going to argue about who gets the newest, fastest device.
The latest sports jersey: I used to be a cool sports chick. But now I’m just a mom who used to be cool. The part of my brain that used to know stats about baseball, now knows the stats of how many vegetables my kids have eaten this week. The Jen who always knew what time the football game was on now knows what time Peppa Pig is on. And the girl who used to be great at fantasy baseball is a fantastic Connect Four strategist.
What we really want
A cooling towel: This thing is great for those hot flashes that have been getting worse and worse with each passing month. And its fantastic for those hot, humid summer days when the kids really need to play outside and you just want to sit in front of the AC all day.
A giant coffee mug: Because pouring 2 or 3 cups of coffee is just a waste of valuable time.
A good set of headphones: For those days when you just can’t listen to the Paw Patrol theme song one more time.
A fancy wine glass: Because of your strong-willed daughter.
And finally, a VCR: Because you still have all those Disney movies on VHS in your basement.
So there it is. My list of what your favorite Old Mom wants for Christmas. Just saying – my husband is my editor. Wink, Wink.
Photo by petmutt