#3 – I’m too old for this


At 6 months, baby boy started at a large center daycare.  After his first 2 days, he got croup.  It was the scariest cough I have ever heard.  He was clearly struggling to breathe.  He had croup four times in his first five months at daycare.  Test him for allergies they said.  It’s a bad croup year they told me.  His dad got croup as a kid they told me.  What they didn’t tell me was when to sleep.   If you haven’t experienced croup, the seal-like cough pops up at night and pretty much goes away during the day.

I had a new principal at work who was not impressed when I missed two days during the first week of school.  Thank goodness for relatives who watched him for the rest of the week.  It still killed me to go to work while my sick boy was at home.

The ear infections started too.  Every three weeks or so.  Amoxicillin is like water for the boy at this point.  He was so cute and playful during the day, but he just cried all night.

I resented the day care.  We nicknamed it “The Germ Factory.”  I waited 37 years for this child and they got all the fun time with him while I got all the sleepless nights.

My circle

I am very grateful to all of my friends and colleagues who were so supportive during those difficult months.  My mom would drive an hour to our house to watch the boy so I wouldn’t have to miss too much work.  My sister and I compared ear infection stories.  At work, my colleagues were always understanding when I was out and they were always there when I just needed to cry in the bathroom.  My husband always made sure I got a good nap on the weekend to recharge.   I found myself saying, “I’m too old for this,” at least once a week, and then changing my mind every afternoon at 4:00 when I picked up my smiling boy.

Sweet Boy and I were at the doctor’s office a few times each month.  Between work and doctor’s visits, we were busy all the time.  We needed some new answers, but we were too tired to do anything but accept the answers they gave us.

Photo by bbaunach