I want to remember this day for the rest of my parenthood. On this day, my two kids played nicely upstairs, by themselves for over an hour. I managed to get my graduate class finished while my husband got his morning internet checking routine finished. And the whole time the kids played nicely. We are hunkered down during a blizzard, so that made this day even better.
Over the last four and a half years, the kids have needed supervised play. They were too rough, too curious or too fearless. But they are growing up (tears). They can do a little more for themselves and they know when to ask for help. Girlie actually called downstairs for me to take away the pair of scissors she found in the bathroom because she’s not supposed to play with scissors. Six months ago, we would have needed to get her stitches.
Now, I’m not going to lie… when I went upstairs, it looked like a bomb had gone off. Every room was scattered stuffed animals, K’Nex sticks, blankets, magnet blocks, clothes, and too many other things to mention. The mess was beyond the point that they could clean it up. It took me about 45 minutes to get things almost back to normal. But it was worth it.
So worth it
In terms of age, I think my kids are at a great age to play together. Girlie can start building things with Sweet Boy‘s different types of blocks, and he is at a point where he is willing to share them. Also, they are getting better at talking out there issues. Not perfect, but better.
But here’s the best part of the day for me. My kids like each other. They really like each other. I could hear them giggling together and sharing and asking each other to take turns nicely. They were singing together and going through stories together. And I’m sitting here finishing this post on Friday and they are playing nicely again. They like each other and there’s no better feeling.
Photo by El Tuercas