Girlie is a different child. Not better, not worse, just different. A few weeks ago, I asked her to go play with her brother until 6. So she did. She grabbed my glasses and played – in the bathroom. She played hide and seek with those glasses. She also reorganized my towels all over the floor. She played climb and discover to learn about Daddy’s razor (she didn’t touch the blade, Thank God). She learned about cylinders as she unraveled all the toilet paper. She had a great time playing, learning and discovering until six.
The Search
I was really mad about the mess, but my biggest concern was my glasses. I’m blind as a bat without those glasses, and of course, all of this went down the week my eye doctor was closed for vacation. My husband searched for a few minutes and handed me a pair he found under the sink. I couldn’t see very well, so I was sure they were an old pair of glasses.
We searched for a good 10 minutes. My husband calmly and methodically looked in each room, while I ran from room to room tossing towels, pillows, stuffed animals, anything that was in the way of me finding those glasses. My husband calmly told the children to stay in one room while he looked in another. I was screaming, “For crying out loud, where did you put those glasses?!?!?! (She still says that phrase to her toys on difficult days. That’s why I don’t swear in front of that one).
I finally stopped for a second to think. I looked in the mirror and pulled up a photo on my phone. In that moment of shame, I realized that I was wearing my glasses the whole time and the reason I couldn’t see was due to them being covered with tiny fingerprints. I hung my head low and softly said, “Honey. You were right. These are my glasses.”
My husband sent me downstairs to cool down and have some coffee while he cleaned up the bathroom and life went on. I have to say, this was one of his REALLY good days.
Not one of my finest Old Mom moments. But definitely one of our family’s funniest stories.
Photo by serenejournal